Tuesday, 11 May 2010

Music magazine - High Voltage (Contents page)

I started with the background of the contents page being completely black but then for my second draft I decided to change this so it was black with a gradient. This change looked more aesthetically pleasing and with the gradient it follwed the same sort of background as the front cover did. The font of the Masthead, 'Contents', was goudy old style. This, like the front cover page, looked too formal so I decided to it to HP PSG like the front cover to follow the same font. In the 'O' in contents I put a red lightening bolt to continue the theme of the title of the magazine, "High Voltage". The contents information was done so the page numbers were highlighted in red so that they stand out and the information in white. I thought this worked well and I kept this for my second draft. The red and white boxes at the bottom of the page was an experiment and when I found out that my target market liked the boxes I decided to make them more colourful and a bit bigger. The boxes have extra information added about what is on which pages. Again, at the bottom left of the page is the website address and on the bottom right of the page I have added a line that says there is an application of an Ipod, this branches out into a different market because if people looked at the application/podcast first and decided that they liked it then they would buy the magazine -therefore increasing profits. The picture of 'ADZ' is a clever use of manual focus, putting his finger out of focus and ADZ into focus. My target market have specifically said they really like this picture because they think the out of focus hand draws your attention straight to his face. I am extremely pleased with this page, it took me a very long time to get everything right.

Myroslava Terlecky

(There is an error with posting pictures onto blogger, as soon as this error is sorted out then my final contents page will be put on here)

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