Monday, 2 May 2011

Evaluation question 7

Question 7: Looking Back At Your Preliminary Task (The School Magazine Task), What Do You Feel You Have Learnt In The Progression From It To Full Product?

The preliminary task was to make a front cover of a school prospectus/magazine. This I did with a bit of difficulty as it was the first time I was using PhotoShop and had not got used to how to use it.

With the coursework task, I learnt a lot about PhotoSop and gradually became more familiar with it. PhotoShop was generally easy to use and anything that was difficult I could pick up from others. InDesign was not easy to use because I feel it is not as user friendly as PhotoShop is. It is for this reason I had to learn a lot from my teacher about editing things on InDesign which meant the process of learning was a lot slower. The only thing I learnt about InDesign which was easier than the other things on there was how to apply text wrap to the interview text. This meant the text would flow better.

For the front cover of my music magazine I was able to look further into the conventions of musci magazines and look, more specifically, how the page should be set out which is more difficult to do with a school magazine as the only example I had was my own school magazine.

I learnt a lot more about cameras and about different shots. For the school magazine I only had to take a medium close up of a student and when I got round to taking the pictures for my music magazine I wanted to create a wider and more varied range of shots. This is why I chose to take a high angled shot and to also use manual focus to blur ADZ's finger and fist.

Overall I think that it is clear since I have developed my preliminary task that my skills have developed in many areas, more specifically, in using PhotoShop and InDesign.

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